Our first stop today was to worship at Highgate Road Chapel. Unlike a congregation of 1,000, this church was rather small, with about 30 people max. About halfway through the service we hear a loud snore coming from the back. I turn around, thinking it was Smokey, but it was a man in the back. Smokey reminded us that we don't need to be "snorers" because it takes away the message we are trying to deliver to the people, but I was very impressed with Pastor Andrew and his perseverance in his devout message about the gospel. After the awesome message, we socialized with the people of the church and learned more about the people and the social scene, before breaking out into prayer walking groups.
Please pray the man who lost his mother, and give him strength to overcome grief through faith in Jesus.
One group went to Parliament Hill, and although it was rather chilly, they engaged with a older man who was sitting, zipped up in the cold. One of the group members mentioned that his mom died a month ago, and also said that they engaged with a small family that considered Camden a home, not just a residence. Another group went to Tuftnell Park. One of the members stated that the church there was mostly Hispanic, ranging from about 300 to 400 people. Problem is the church they were attending wasn't bible-based; they were accepting of all religions.
Please pray that the word of God will penetrate the hearts of the people, and that the right news of the Gospel will be spread by those people in that community.
Finally, our group got to visit a missionary from Hunter Street. She had an amazing testimony, opening our hearts and ears to the opportunities the mission field included. I was personally amazed by her testimony because she use to consider herself a girl that found satisfaction in her success, but Hunter Street reached out to her to have the opportunity to go on a London mission trip a few years ago, just like us. God really opened her eyes to the culture of London and she got to witness to a man at a local church for the first time. Even though he did not become a Christian, she later encountered him at a restaurant, about one year later and he remembered her.
Please pray for this man's salvation and that his heart will be susceptible to hear the word of God.
Overall, today was a much better day than anticipated. I believe the team stepped completely out of our comfort zones from the get-go. Please continue to pray for our safety in the city, our body clocks to adapt to the time change, and that we will advance the Gospel everyday.

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