Thursday, May 26, 2011

London day 6

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thanks for your prayers. We have had a great day today. Prior to the rain, we were led to several streets that had many strongholds. We felt that God led us to each of the establishments to pray that they would stop being used for veiling people from the truth. In these streets we saw a witchcraft society, a mosque, two mosque cultural centers and a school where teachers were wearing Islamic attire as well as a Hindu society. It was evident that the god of this world was using these buildings to keep people veiled from the knowledge of God through the truth of Jesus (2 Cor. 4:3-6). Please join us in praying that God will shine His light into this dark area.

Around lunch time it became very rainy. In fact, I have never heard thunder in London and I did today. But despite the rain we were still able to accomplish much praying and engaging. It was almost as if when we sought shelter from the periods of heavy rain that God led another person right to us to engage.

One example was Tom. Tom is a university student and was very interested in telling us about the differences between London and the cities outside of London, encouraging us to take time to get to know the UK outside of London. We were able to use that as a bridge to talk about Jesus, asking if the areas outside of London followed Jesus more so than those inside London. He then spoke to us at length about all of UK not being very
religious, and that most people don't think about Jesus. We asked him what his thoughts were and he said that Jesus was a basically good man who was a good leader / communicator but that his followers who wrote about him probably lied. We then shared how some people we knew think of Jesus as being a liar, Lord, or lunatic but if Jesus said what he said in the Bible all people must think in one of those terms. He said he had never thought of it in that manner, and said he would think on it. Please be in prayer for Tom,pray that he will read his Bible and think about who Jesus really is, our Lord, Savior, and Treasure.

Later we were able to make a connection with a new church plant pastor. Pete is the pastor of Camden Town Community Church. We learned about this new church plant earlier in the week and were able to set up a time to meet up with him today. In this meeting we were able to learn more about the church planting work than we have learned in 3 years. Camden Town Church is active in reaching many in this post christian community. Please be in prayer though for conversions. He specifically asked that we pray for Lucy and Jamie, that they will continue to develop a friendship with Pete and his family and come to know Christ.

Here is a picture of Pete (on left) with Marc.

We have one more day. Please pray for us to finish strong!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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