The Faith Family that meets at King's Cross is truly amazing! They want to be there and to worship their Treasure (JC). It seemed like there were people from all nations (China, South Africa, Middle East, Americans...other then us, and the list goes on) and the beautiful thing was our common Love for Christ. Many traveled from the far ends of London to be there and worship.
- They fed us well after the morning service and we were able to fellowship a while before heading out into harvest areas.
Afternoon of prayer walking and city mapping produced great things. Please be in prayer for the following people:
1) Paul: an older Man that claims to be somewhat religious (Roman Catholic) suffering from Diabetes 2 and really seeking the Truth/ did not believe in the stories of the Bible literally but more like fables
2) Matt and Hannah: young college students, Very open to hear the good news and continue to pursue the purpose of our trip.
3) Jane, middle age woman who is currently confused about what she believes (Catholic background) Accepted a Bible and has opened up / wanted to pray with two of the team members
Walked about a market area this evening and truly saw how diverse London is...yet Most all lost children...hurting and wanted something more then what they have.
There is a cloud of darkness over this place...more then i imagined. I am very excited to be a part of Christ working in this place.
Please be in prayer for the following for our team:
1. Boldness in sharing Christ
2. Continued dependence on Christ and the Holy Spirit.
3. Continued good health and safety.
From Winston
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