Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 6 another perspective

As has been stated in prior blog posts, the experience of prayer walking with a teammate is extraordinary. Walking with a new friend speaking out a prayer in cooperation with each other stretches the comfort boundary at first but results in a bond too unique and strong to describe. Iron sharpening iron forges a new shape that only God could have imagined.

Reaching out into the Camden community to engage locals with the possibility of sharing the gospel sounded uncomfortable in theory.

It is more difficult when the actual scenario unfolds before you for the first time. The realization that 'this is real' precedes a sudden loss of breath and thought.

The Lord knows that.

He quickly builds your confidence by confirming that you are breathing the same oxygen as before and revealing that the responses from the first person to be engaged were logical - they simply answered your questions.

Spencer was awesome in preparing me with opening questions. They were effective in opening my first few engagements and they were satisfactory.

Mike and I had just left Monique at the Krispy Kreme. As you have read by now, she was so open to our team and to learning about Christ and our engagement with her was very fulfilling.

We quickly found ourselves in Lincoln's Inn Fields. It is a nice park around which some of the most successful law firms in England are located. It is mere blocks from England's equivalent to the Supreme Court. It was chilly - we were glad for our jackets. It was cloudy but not rainy.

And there was Phil Lee.

He looked up from the book he was reading - Judas' Gate by Jack Higgins. He looked right into my eyes as Mike and I were about to walk by. I asked, "how are ya?". He replied with a bit of a moan, "ahhh...crappy." I turned right to him and said, "Oh boy, tell me about it."

My friends will love my use of the phrase "let me back up," here, but I must describe Phil. He is homeless - has been for years. He had on a blue toboggan over gray hair that had not been washed in some time. He had on a black 'Gap' sweatshirt but it was dingy and worn. So was his jacket, pants and shoes. Mercifully, the wind carried his body odor from Mike and me. It was so strong... He had a delightful smile and laugh despite the fact his life had left him very long of tooth with a gap in his upper front teeth.

He was a keyboard player and vocalist in the 60's, when he was also a self-described Hippy. He was in many bands and some of the bands recorded songs. He did not make it big but one of the songs once hit #43 on the London charts.

He was clearly too smart to be homeless in this park.

He had a can of beer between him and his multi-pastel-colored woven knap-sack.

He tells us that, when he was 20, he was in a car accident with three other mates. He was the only survivor. He lost his 'wife' - the mother of his 20-something paleoantologist-daughter who is working on a dig in Arizona - a year ago to a massive heart attack.

He was hurting.

Mike shared that he recently lost his wife and the shared experience strengthened the Plan God was unfolding before us.

We asked if he was familiar with any churches in the area. He mentioned a few and said the people he met at them were 'just lovely.' This was new. Most people's description of local churches up to that point included only references to their beautiful architecture and great history. Most people's description of church left you concluding they thought 'church' was only a building - that there were no people.

Phil's response was the 'open door' we had been trained to recognize.

We pressed on with questions and learned he did go to services at a couple of churches and had great respect for the love and commitment of volunteers from those churches who came to the park to deliver food and clothes.

We asked Phil whether Jesus was preached at the churches. He acknowledged Jesus as Savior but did not think it was worth fighting people about. We replied that the Gospel means "Good News" and that it's presentation is flawed when presented as a debate or an argument rather than a joyful and humble sharing of the unbelievable grace God provided through Christ's death and resurrection. That Christ redeemed us and now guides us as a result.

I gave him 10(pounds) and a little bible I brought to give away. I wrote in the front cover "Phil Lee: It is our pure joy to have met you, Brother. God bless you. Brock and Mike." I cited Phil. 4:6-7 ("Be anxious for nothing, but in all things...")

Mike and I left utterly invigorated but haunted by the truth that Phil is too smart to be homeless in a park.

We shared his story with the team and, the next day, Franklin and Geoff found Phil in the park. It had started to rain and they sought shelter under a gazebo with several other people. A homeless man was sitting with his back to them but turned around at one point.

They prayed for a sign it might be Phil. Three signs were given - the last a rainbow.

They engaged.

Phil was delighted to know they knew his name and were with our group. As Franklin and Geoff pressed on, a small crowd of young adults gathered around with attentive ears.

At one point, Phil presented the bible I gave him the day before. A young woman picked it up and thumbed through it. Phil was already responsible for the spread of God's Word to others!

What a warrior he would make for Christ! What a platform!

Phil shared with Geoff that he had a sister in Essex. Geoff encouraged that Phil was too smart to be homeless and should reach out to his sister. Phil was embarrassed at his appearance and homeless status - he could never let his sister see him 'like this.'

Franklin and Geoff offered that shouldn't let his clothes and homeless circumstance define him. Around this time, Phil stated he was a saved Christian, so the guys' prayer shifted to encouraging Phil to take the first step in fixing his situation by swallowing his pride and reaching out to his sister.

He was not in the park on Thursday. Here's hoping he followed the Lord's path to his sister's house in Essex.


Dave and I covered Section 4 Thursday - it includes a diversity of areas, including the chaos of the Camden Market. It was interesting how the diversity altered the nature and content of our prayers.

Primrose Hill is one of the nicer areas in Camden. It is to the west of the Market. The Market is a mish-mash of vendors selling everything in the globe except crosses or Jesus. One corner of the road leading into it's entrance contains two adjacent tattoo/piercing paroles across the street from a third. One has UFO's and aliens sticking out of its store front. Another has 'Hell' in it's name. Wholesome was chased off the block centuries ago.

Royal College Street is the eastern boundary of the section. It adjoins a college so it was an 'open minded' and 'tolerant' area. It had a massage parlor with no windows, a naked woman's silhouette on the sign and closed-circuit TV (clearly, sex was sold there). It had an art gallery with one huge photo in the window - of a naked man from the neck down to the very top of his 'stuff.' It had a bar with a sign stating "I drink, therefore I am."

Our bible study Thursday morning covered 2 Cor. 4:3-6. That passage declared that, when presented plainly, the Word is veiled only to those who are perishing. 'Veils' became a theme of our prayer walk.

Here is how the diverse area affected our prayers that day:

Primrose Hill: We prayed against the veil of prestige and accomplishment
Market: We prayed against the veil of darkness, chaos and loneliness
Royal College St: We prayed against the veil of false sources of relief (e.g., homosexuality, alcohol, drugs, pornography and purchased-sex).

We are commanded in Luke to preach an undistorted message. Jesus teaches to depend entirely upon Him to deliver the message. God teaches He is in full control of the recipient in Corinthians.

He is Good. His Plan is perfect. Full surrender to His Will bears fruit.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Gower St,Camden Town,United Kingdom


  1. God bless you all.

  2. Reading your stories gives me goose bumps! It is so awesome to see God at work using such faithful followers! Bless all of you! Have a safe trip home!
