The first picture is an art piece that we found in a park just inside a low income housing project. It was directly beside a bar called "The Sovereign" we noticed this scupture as we were praying. The top of it says HOPE and there were small holes that spelt out the word garden. So Kellye suggested that we take small pieces of paper and write scripture about hope and stick them in the small holes. We ended up using some of our blue scripture cards also because they were laminated and would with stand the rain. We all prayed that families/individuals would be walking in the park and find God's word on the scultpure. Please continue to pray with us that the people in this area would looked to the Lord for their hope and assurance and not to things of this world.

The second picture is a church we visited today. Meredith and Kellye had a chance to speak with a family ealier today and one of the women they spoke with told them about St. Michael's church that had become pretty well known in the Camden area over the past few years. We weren't really looking for this church after we left the ladies but we were trying to find somewhere to get out of the downpour of rain. God brought us to St. Michael's. This church is truely in the heart of Camden. God brought us to the church just in time to be apart of their healing prayer service. It was a short service focused on praying for those who need physical/emotional healing. This church was Church of England, and although some of their rituals were quite different than ours, their theology seemed to be the same. God's truth and nothing extra. We spoke with the vicar (the pastor) of the church after the service. wWe told him why we were in London and prayed with him. He stated that the church was only about 7 or 8 years old. And he was amazed at how God had provided for and grew the congregation from about 6 people to now, about 120 people. We told him that our church had been praying over the Camden area for about 7 or 8 years as well. This church is very much alive and serving the Camden area. God has, once again, show us that our prayers for Camden matter and are being answered!

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