Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More stories

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Today was an awesome day divined by God. We woke up a little later than usual since some of us really needed some rest, and that extra hour of sleep was a real blessing. Then, we had our Bible study on 2 Corinthians 4, in which we learned that because we have been saved by His mercy we are called to ministry. In that same verse, Paul tells us we shouldn't lose heart as missionaries. He also tells us not to distort God's Word and to tell every man the truth of Christ.

After the Bible study, we went to King's Cross Baptist Church. On our way there, Danielle ran into Hassain, a Muslim she had spoken to yesterday, and Hassain told her he had since accepted Christ into his heart. She was so happy for him and encouraged him to keep building his relationship with God, and to keep going to King's Cross Church. After that, Meredith, a missionary from Hunter Street who lives in London, led us to review the Creation to Christ story, the Woman Who Washes Jesus's Feet story, and the Four Soils story. We then learned the story of the Son Who Was Lost and Now is Found (Prodigal Son). That story was great because it dealt with a great many topics like being at the very bottom of your life, repentance, greed, and God's great mercy for all of his chosen people. After learning and reviewing the stories, we went prayer walking/storying again. Many of the groups had a lot of people to talk to today. One group (Danielle and Meredith) met a Buddhist who believed in the goodness of people rather than a religion. He was told the story of the Four Soils because he mentioned he was a gardener. He told us that he was the first kind of soil where the Devil snatches away the Word from him before he can really understand it. The second person the group met was an agnostic who was very receptive to conversations about Christ and had obviously thought a lot about life before. He talked a lot about how greed controlled society today, and so Danielle told him the story of the Prodigal Son, who was greedy but forgiven by his father for his sinful ways. Ozzy really liked that story and we agreed to keep in touch by email. Another group (Mike and Spencer) talked to Rachel, an Ango-Catholic believer who needed prayer for the spiritual influence that her godson was going through; they encouraged her in her faith and hoped that she would continue to spread the message of Christ to London. MIke also talked Rodger who was a physicist and educator who was an atheist/agnostic that who enjoyed the chapels in Wales where he lived. Mike also spoke to Tim who was an atheist who was open to conversation about Jesus. He thought the only truth was that there was no God. Mike took his card to talk to him later. Spencer talked to Sean a professor but didn't get much spiritual conversation from him. Mike also spoke to Roy who was a Catholic believer in Christ whose concern was the number of Muslims in the area. The third group (Gay, Marc and Charles) spoke to Olga, who was an agnostic, said she didn't think religion was relevant to modern day, but who cried when Gay shared a story about her friend who was an agnostic too but came to Christ later in life. They also talked to Claire from yesterday, the socialist atheist but didn't get to talk to her much because she was busy. Marc and Charles talked to a man named Guy who talked of a high and low church (the high church being the Catholic Church and the low church being Protestant). Gay also talked to a crowd of homeless people who were receptive to religious talk, but ultimately too high or drunk to really understand; they just really wanted someone to talk to. Finally, Charles and Marc reconnected with a homeless man named Guy who they had met earlier in the week, who had been drinking, bumped his head, and had to go to the hospital. Guy told them he was doing much better and that his scans had come back well. Charles got to share his testimony with him and even told him the decisions Guy was making were truly life and death.

After the prayer walking/storying, we debriefed and had some prayer time with the members of King's Cross Baptist Church. We were able to pray for all the people we've met this week as well as some of the church's needs. We praised God for His mighty power and influence in our lives this week and that he would continue His ministry this week and into the future.

What a wonderful day it was! We are so blessed to be in His presence. Tomorrow, we are working with King's Cross to hand out coffee/tea to students in the morning and share the Gospel with them. We will also be prayer walking/storying and even learn a new story in the afternoon. Pray for open and receptive hearts. Pray that we may have the strengths, physically and spiritually, to continue God's work.
In His Love,

The London Team

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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