Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 6 another perspective

As has been stated in prior blog posts, the experience of prayer walking with a teammate is extraordinary. Walking with a new friend speaking out a prayer in cooperation with each other stretches the comfort boundary at first but results in a bond too unique and strong to describe. Iron sharpening iron forges a new shape that only God could have imagined.

Reaching out into the Camden community to engage locals with the possibility of sharing the gospel sounded uncomfortable in theory.

It is more difficult when the actual scenario unfolds before you for the first time. The realization that 'this is real' precedes a sudden loss of breath and thought.

The Lord knows that.

He quickly builds your confidence by confirming that you are breathing the same oxygen as before and revealing that the responses from the first person to be engaged were logical - they simply answered your questions.

Spencer was awesome in preparing me with opening questions. They were effective in opening my first few engagements and they were satisfactory.

Mike and I had just left Monique at the Krispy Kreme. As you have read by now, she was so open to our team and to learning about Christ and our engagement with her was very fulfilling.

We quickly found ourselves in Lincoln's Inn Fields. It is a nice park around which some of the most successful law firms in England are located. It is mere blocks from England's equivalent to the Supreme Court. It was chilly - we were glad for our jackets. It was cloudy but not rainy.

And there was Phil Lee.

He looked up from the book he was reading - Judas' Gate by Jack Higgins. He looked right into my eyes as Mike and I were about to walk by. I asked, "how are ya?". He replied with a bit of a moan, "ahhh...crappy." I turned right to him and said, "Oh boy, tell me about it."

My friends will love my use of the phrase "let me back up," here, but I must describe Phil. He is homeless - has been for years. He had on a blue toboggan over gray hair that had not been washed in some time. He had on a black 'Gap' sweatshirt but it was dingy and worn. So was his jacket, pants and shoes. Mercifully, the wind carried his body odor from Mike and me. It was so strong... He had a delightful smile and laugh despite the fact his life had left him very long of tooth with a gap in his upper front teeth.

He was a keyboard player and vocalist in the 60's, when he was also a self-described Hippy. He was in many bands and some of the bands recorded songs. He did not make it big but one of the songs once hit #43 on the London charts.

He was clearly too smart to be homeless in this park.

He had a can of beer between him and his multi-pastel-colored woven knap-sack.

He tells us that, when he was 20, he was in a car accident with three other mates. He was the only survivor. He lost his 'wife' - the mother of his 20-something paleoantologist-daughter who is working on a dig in Arizona - a year ago to a massive heart attack.

He was hurting.

Mike shared that he recently lost his wife and the shared experience strengthened the Plan God was unfolding before us.

We asked if he was familiar with any churches in the area. He mentioned a few and said the people he met at them were 'just lovely.' This was new. Most people's description of local churches up to that point included only references to their beautiful architecture and great history. Most people's description of church left you concluding they thought 'church' was only a building - that there were no people.

Phil's response was the 'open door' we had been trained to recognize.

We pressed on with questions and learned he did go to services at a couple of churches and had great respect for the love and commitment of volunteers from those churches who came to the park to deliver food and clothes.

We asked Phil whether Jesus was preached at the churches. He acknowledged Jesus as Savior but did not think it was worth fighting people about. We replied that the Gospel means "Good News" and that it's presentation is flawed when presented as a debate or an argument rather than a joyful and humble sharing of the unbelievable grace God provided through Christ's death and resurrection. That Christ redeemed us and now guides us as a result.

I gave him 10(pounds) and a little bible I brought to give away. I wrote in the front cover "Phil Lee: It is our pure joy to have met you, Brother. God bless you. Brock and Mike." I cited Phil. 4:6-7 ("Be anxious for nothing, but in all things...")

Mike and I left utterly invigorated but haunted by the truth that Phil is too smart to be homeless in a park.

We shared his story with the team and, the next day, Franklin and Geoff found Phil in the park. It had started to rain and they sought shelter under a gazebo with several other people. A homeless man was sitting with his back to them but turned around at one point.

They prayed for a sign it might be Phil. Three signs were given - the last a rainbow.

They engaged.

Phil was delighted to know they knew his name and were with our group. As Franklin and Geoff pressed on, a small crowd of young adults gathered around with attentive ears.

At one point, Phil presented the bible I gave him the day before. A young woman picked it up and thumbed through it. Phil was already responsible for the spread of God's Word to others!

What a warrior he would make for Christ! What a platform!

Phil shared with Geoff that he had a sister in Essex. Geoff encouraged that Phil was too smart to be homeless and should reach out to his sister. Phil was embarrassed at his appearance and homeless status - he could never let his sister see him 'like this.'

Franklin and Geoff offered that shouldn't let his clothes and homeless circumstance define him. Around this time, Phil stated he was a saved Christian, so the guys' prayer shifted to encouraging Phil to take the first step in fixing his situation by swallowing his pride and reaching out to his sister.

He was not in the park on Thursday. Here's hoping he followed the Lord's path to his sister's house in Essex.


Dave and I covered Section 4 Thursday - it includes a diversity of areas, including the chaos of the Camden Market. It was interesting how the diversity altered the nature and content of our prayers.

Primrose Hill is one of the nicer areas in Camden. It is to the west of the Market. The Market is a mish-mash of vendors selling everything in the globe except crosses or Jesus. One corner of the road leading into it's entrance contains two adjacent tattoo/piercing paroles across the street from a third. One has UFO's and aliens sticking out of its store front. Another has 'Hell' in it's name. Wholesome was chased off the block centuries ago.

Royal College Street is the eastern boundary of the section. It adjoins a college so it was an 'open minded' and 'tolerant' area. It had a massage parlor with no windows, a naked woman's silhouette on the sign and closed-circuit TV (clearly, sex was sold there). It had an art gallery with one huge photo in the window - of a naked man from the neck down to the very top of his 'stuff.' It had a bar with a sign stating "I drink, therefore I am."

Our bible study Thursday morning covered 2 Cor. 4:3-6. That passage declared that, when presented plainly, the Word is veiled only to those who are perishing. 'Veils' became a theme of our prayer walk.

Here is how the diverse area affected our prayers that day:

Primrose Hill: We prayed against the veil of prestige and accomplishment
Market: We prayed against the veil of darkness, chaos and loneliness
Royal College St: We prayed against the veil of false sources of relief (e.g., homosexuality, alcohol, drugs, pornography and purchased-sex).

We are commanded in Luke to preach an undistorted message. Jesus teaches to depend entirely upon Him to deliver the message. God teaches He is in full control of the recipient in Corinthians.

He is Good. His Plan is perfect. Full surrender to His Will bears fruit.

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Location:Gower St,Camden Town,United Kingdom

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 6

It's Thursday evening and we just got back from dinner, prayer walking by Big Ben,

Parliament and 10 Downing Street. It's a great reminder to remember our governmental leaders and the decisions they make on our behalf in our prayers.

Today was a good day with meetings with two of the churches that have built relationships with Hunter Street. Both of the pastors have a heart for this city and despite many of the challenges already mentioned in these blogs, faithfully serve with a passion for Christ. Please lift these churches in this city up in prayer and the next time you see a member of our ministry team, tell them how much you appreciate them. They need the encouragement and prayers too!

In between meetings, we were able to visit with Monique again at Krispy Kreme. Before going, Spencer and I sat at a McDonalds counter across the street and prayed specifically for the wisdom to know what to say, that she would continue to be receptive, that we might be able to encourage her to attend a church in the area and that she would be open to sharing her email information so that we could keep up with her in the future.

As we entered the store, Neil and Eric were at the counter and had been having a great conversation with Monique. She quickly volunteered to us that the baby she had asked us to pray for, Sara Jay, had been released from the hospital! She then told us that her boyfriend's visa situation appeared to have been resolved. We told her how excited we were to hear that these two prayers had been answered! Monique also shared that she knew that our group's visits had not been by accident. The spark had clearly grown stronger. Pray that it will turn into a flame!

We were more excited when Monique shared that she had been reading the Bible that we had given her. She had already read through most of Matthew! Monique also inquired about church and we were thrilled to hear that she would like to meet with some of our brothers and sisters at King's Cross Baptist Church in Camden. She inquired about attending a service there. Please pray that this connection will be made and that King's Cross can build a strong disciplining relationship with Monique.

As Monique had to leave for a second job, she exchanged email addresses and volunteered that she would like to Skype with us. We plan to introduce our wives to Monique via Skype when we return so that she can meet other Christian ladies who will encourage and disciple her. As she left, she emphatically asked that we come back Friday before we leave.

So what did I learn? First, God is faithful! None of our visits with Monique or the others that you have / will read about were accidental. In a sea of people that we've never met before, God led this team to find and build real relationships with people. Secondly, prayer works. It's awesome to see and humbling to know that God hears us. Thirdly, prayer in cooperation with others is powerful. No fewer than seven of the 10 in our group have been by to meet with Monique. All ten have and will continue to pray for her. As you read this and join our prayers for her salvation, think about just how many people from around the world are now praying for Monique Gauci from Malta!

Now here's the challenge for all of us to think about. How many times do we listen to prayer requests shared in a Sunday school class or via call or email from a friend or family member and forget to pray about them? I know that I'm convicted to pray more for these requests. While I've always believed in prayer, having experienced this week, I can assure you that it not only works, but is essential! Please think about the prayer requests in your life right now and take a few minutes to lift them to God.

Thanks to all for your notes of encouragement and continued prayers!


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Location:Gower St,Camden Town,United Kingdom

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

London day 4

We just finished our Tuesday prayer walks and it's hard to believe that we are now more than half way finished with our time here. Despite averaging approximately ten miles a day walking, we all feel good and are looking forward to seeing some of the touristy spots on Wednesday. This has been a great trip... an eye opening trip.

While I will do my best to capture the sights, sounds and feelings in this blog post, understand that the only way to fully comprehend what you are reading is to be here. At times, this trip has been exhilarating as we have great conversations with people who either have a heart for the Lord, such as those at King's Cross Baptist Church. Other times have been frustrating as you visit with an atheist and all you can do is pray that God would unveil Himself in a might way. There's been plenty of humor, such as finding two cows in the middle of Camden (think bovine at the Summit). At times, the trip has been overwhelming as you stand in a sea of thousands in the Camden markets (kicking an ant bed will give you a good visual) and wonder how in the world can I possibly make a difference? I would encourage you to read Luke 10 because it fully captures the work being done here. Each day two of us begin walking, armed with only a map and His word. Our prayer is to find a heart willing to listen to God's call.

On my first full day walking, I found the London Krispy Kreme. Now for those who know me well, is that really a surprise? Of course I had to walk in and see what the differences were. Dave and I immediately noticed that this was not like the Hoover store. There was no huge glass wall with dough floating through the river of oil and glaze, cooking to perfection and quickly whisked piping hot from conveyor belt to sticky fingers. This store was the size of a large master closet with only to chairs at a counter.

We were greeted by Monique in an empty store. She was pleasant and welcoming as we made small talk comparing the different flavors to what we have back home. My wife would have loved the chocolate covered caramel creme filled and the toffee doughnuts are something special. We transitioned our conversation from doughnuts to the area and Monique was helpful in explaining some of the demographic changes and other information about the business district. We then moved the conversation to Monique.

Monique is in her early to mid 20's and was born and raised in Malta. She appears to have had a relatively normal childhood with her brother and parents. Monique did tell us that she went to church as a child but it was clear that she had never accepted Jesus as her Lord. She doesn't go to church today because she doesn't have time and also has a hard time with the language barriers. But at least she had a working knowledge of church! As we left, Monique was quick to say that she was there all week and to please come back. We had a spark that we left praying would turn into a flame.

On Monday, Brock and Mike were able to go by and visit. Their visit focused more on Monique and her needs here. They asked if there anything they could pray for and she quickly said yes. Her boyfriend, Leo, had just recently been deported due to an expired student visa. After a good visit, Monique again reminded us that she would be here all week and to come back.

Geoff and I went back today with the hope to really dig deep into Monique's concept of God and who Jesus was. We sat outside on a bench and wrote her a note of encouragement on a bible that we planned to give her. We prayed that there would be an opportunity to share in an environment free from distractions. As we entered, we were excited to see that again, we were the only customers. As we ordered a strawberry and cream doughnut (unbelievable!), we were dismayed to see a line of people form behind us. It was as if someone had turned a hot now sign on.

Geoff and I sat down at the counter and were content to wait the line out. Geoff read our scripture cards and prayed as we waited for an opportunity. Unfortunately, Monique had now been joined by two others behind then counter. They quickly worked through the line. One of the co-workers asked Monique to go outside for a smoke break. On her way out, we engaged her again and she stopped to talk. We asked about her visit yesterday with Brock and Mike and about Leo's situation. She then told us that she had been praying to God that day about her best friends baby Sara Jay. This baby was only days old and struggling in the hospital. While certainly not excited to hear about a struggling baby, we were thrilled to see that she grasped the concept of praying. We assured Monique that our team would pray for this baby.

We then told Monique that we wanted to give her a Bible. She took it and read through the note we had written. She was clearly moved. We explained some of the scripture verses that we had highlighted. Her co-worker stuck his head back in and asked her tom come on. She stayed still. Geoff then asked if we could pray for her and her friend's baby. She immediately said yes. So while customers came in and an agitated co-worker came back behind the counter, we prayed in a small corner of the London Krispy Kreme. I prayed, and am asking YOU to pray, for Monique to come to know and accept Jesus as her personal savior and for the recovery of the baby.

We left excited about the work that God was doing through us in London. Others will visit her in the coming days with the hope that the spark will ignite. Pray for Monique that she will remain open to learning more. Pray for those in our group who will see her Thursday and Friday... Specifically that we will have the wisdom to know what to say.

It's easy to look around here and wonder how in the world we could possibly make a difference. It's very comforting to know that God truly is in control. While there are thousands of people that we won't meet this week, we know that we made a difference with Monique and many other individuals that you will learn about in this blog.

More to come later!


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 4

We've just concluded a fantastic Tuesday and it's hard to believe that we are more than half way through our time here. To say that this has been an eye opening experience would be a giant understatement. While we had been well trained over the last six weeks, I don't think I realized just how impactful this trip would be.

The overarching theme coming in to this trip has been to be flexible and depend on God. Read Luke 10 for a good overview of what we are doing in the field. While it can be overwhelming to start walking with a brother with only a street map and scripture, it's also amazing at the bridges that can be built in such a short period of time.

For those who know me well, it should come as absolutely no surprise that I found the Krispy Kreme on the first full day of walking. Now understand that this isn't your Hoover Krispy Kreme where you can watch the pieces of dough float through the river of oil and icing only to melt in your mouth seconds later. This was a true hole in the wall by one of the underground subways with two chairs to sit on. Dave and I decided to walk in with the idea of getting a cup of coffee and seeing who might be there.

As we walked in, Monique greeted us with a smile and a pleasant good morning. We began making small talk, noting that the London Krispy Kreme had numerous versions (strawberries and creme / chocolate caramel creme) that we don't have at home. As we began to sample, we asked Monique to tell us about the area and the people. She gladly obliged and shared some very helpful information about the business districts and some of the changing demographics. We then asked Monique about how she arrived in London.

Monique grew up in Malta with her parents and brother. She did go to church as a child and by all accounts had a relatively normal childhood. Church is no longer a priority for Monique as she said she doesn't have time and also has a challenge with a language barrier. Believe it or not, Monique's response was one of the best we had heard as so many of the people here are atheists or have such a distrust of the Church of England that they no longer deem it relevant. The majority of the people, when asked about a church, will tell you something about the architecture...but not the message and certainly not Jesus!

As Dave and I ended our conversation, Monique told us that she would be there all week and to come back. We were excited about the spark and prayed upon leaving that it might turn into a flame.

On day two, Brock and Mike visited Krispy Kreme and shocked Monique by asking how she was doing by name when entering the store. No sooner had Brock and mike said they were with the group, Monique finished the sentence by saying, "the group from Alabama!". Clearly our first visit wasn't like the other customer interactions she had the previous day.

Monique shared more about her upbringing, telling Brock and Mike that she was planning to go home for Christmas. She also said that Christmas was nothing but another shopping day here in London. As the visit concluded, Brock and Mike asked Monique if there was anything that they could pray about her. She smiled and quickly asked for prayers for her boyfriend Leo, who had just been deported due to an expired student visa. Clearly, God was working here and the spark had potential!

Today, Geoff and I returned to Krispy Kreme with the purpose of engaging Monique in a deeper conversation about her relationship with God. We sat on a bench several blocks away and wrote a note of encouragement on the inside cover of a Bible that we planned to give her. We prayed for God to give us wisdom and also an opportunity to share this message in an environment free from distractions. As we entered the store, we were thrilled to see that Monique was again the only one there. We ordered a doughnut and a Diet Coke (to offset the calories) and asked her how her visit from Brock and Mike went. No sooner had we begun talking did the line of people begin. You would have though that they had turned a Hot Now sign on. Geoff and I quickly sat down and began to pray for our opportunity. We became discouraged as Monique was joined by two other helpers behind the counter. They soon worked through the line... but we still had two co-workers that we had to deal with.

One of the co-workers asked Monique to step out for a smoke break. Geoff and I decided to o ahead and engage Monique as she was about to walk out and thankfully she did not follow her co-worker. We told Monique that our team was praying for her and for Leo. To our surprise, Monique told us that she had also been praying that day to God for her close friend who had just had a baby. The baby, Sara Joy, was struggling to gain weight and the doctors were concerned. Geoff and I told her we would pray for Jesus to heal Sara Joy and I've the family comfort and peace. We then told Monique that we had been praying for her and had brought a Bible for her.

Needless to say, Monique was surprised. She read the note on the inside cover and thanked us for giving it to her. In the note, we had highlight several scripture verses and we explained what they meant. At this time, her co-worker came back in and tapped her to come join him. Monique didn't move. Geoff and I shared that our specific prayer for her was for her to put her trust and faith in Jesus.

Please pray for Monique and her salvation as well as intruding her too another friend that could take her investing into another's life.

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Day 3

Let me begin by saying how humbled I am by the grace of God. It is incomprehensible how and why He would reveal Himself to me, a sinner, unclean and unworthy, but He has and today, it has become even more precious to me as I walked the streets of London. We have all been humbled by the hard work He and His laborers are doing here. It is the privilege of a lifetime to be here, praying for these people, learning about them, learning about strongholds here, and sharing the gospel of the grace of Jesus Christ. I miss home, but I already know I will miss being here too. I am eager to return.

Today, we were thankful to meet two women from Yorkshire, one a mother of two and the other a mother of three. We met them at a coffee shop we had stopped by to take a short break. We were able to engage them in a conversation about the church today.

Both had spent some time in the church as children, but had long ago given up on the church. Their reasons were common to many here; the church is too rigid, it's not welcoming, it's irrelevant for their busy lives. The conversation was honest and open (praise God). They both could see how the community around them lacked any genuine "happiness" as they put it, and even traced some of the trouble with the youth today back to the abolishment of prayer in their schools (one of the mothers is an administrator and bus driver for her school). Ultimately, we learned that they knew nothing of a relationship with Christ, but only understood the church of their youth, the church that was out of touch with them and their lives. In concluding our conversation with them, we were able to pray over them and over their children. I pray that God will continue to minister to them through our conversation and prayer today. Their story is not uncommon.

We were also able to meet two wonderful chinese Christians from the area who had moved here several years back and are active in spreading the gospel here in London, as well as across the globe. We were so blessed by their testimony and their commitment to Christ. It was mutually encouraging, sharing about Christ, about His grace and what He is doing here as well as what He is doing back home. We enjoyed a wonderful meal with them and hope to continue our relationship with them in the months and years to come.

I will leave you with a passage one of the chinese believers shared with us to encourage us during our mission, "For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised." Endurance, we need that indeed, for the work is hard, but it is sweet and well worth His promises. Please continue to pray. It's working!

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Location:Gower St,Camden Town,United Kingdom

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 1&2

We have arrived and have been very busy!

Day one was spent arriving and getting ourselves acclimated to our new surroundings. We went on a walking adventure that covered 8 miles! That though as we discovered today will be the least amount of walking for a day. So in other words, please pray for our energy!!

More importantly though is prayer for what we encountered, which is shear darkness with little hope of the true gospel. Ed, for an example was one person who we were able to engage. Ed is a self professed fundamental atheist. Ed is a great representation of many people in the Camden area who are self-reliant and think that all religions are about seeking someone's approval our some fake gods approval. He claimed that he has a great sense of peace knowing that he doesn't have to live his life to meet any expectation outside of himself. Part of our team was able to share about how the good news of Jesus is exactly the same in that one does not have to meet any expectations for approval because through Jesus one is approved by God, not based on their works but Christ's work alone. Please pray that Ed and others like him will hear and understand the true message of Christianity and see that it is not a religion of works but one of grace through faith.

Day two was spent worshipping with two great communities of faith
, kings Cross Baptist and Camden Town Church. We then split up into teams of twos to prayer walk and engage our respected areas. All of the teams today had great experiences but still walked away with a deep sense of lostness and burden for the people of Camden. One example of a person we met was Marco. Marco is visiting from Germany and was very talkative on any and every subject until the subject turned to Jesus. This appears to be a very normal experience as it appears any subject is permissible to discuss except Jesus. Please pray for us this week, pray that distractions would be minimized and that people would have open hearts and minds to hear the good news.

Thank you for your prayers, we need them and God is working through them to sustain us, to keep us focused, and to help us see the unseen. Please continue to do so as well as to check back here to see how the week is going. We will be updating soon with more pictures.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Leaving for London

We are at the airport and are ready to board the airplane. We thank you for your prayers for us during this next week. Please keep coming back to the blog and looking at the pictures and seeing how you can continue to pray for us.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 5

I walked with Vince and Alisa today. We went back to King's Cross Baptist Church where we helped Pete, the student minister, to give out coffee, tea, and cookies to the students of SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) as they walked to and from class. It was a great way to meet and have conversations with students. We stayed until about 12:15 then walked to Lumen for lunch.
While we were eating, Kuan walked by and recognized me. He stopped and talked with us for a bit then said he would let us enjoy our lunch. I asked if he was going to be there for awhile and he said yes and that we could chat after lunch.

Since mine and Kuan's conversation on Tuesday as well as the fact we ran into him again in the station, I felt it necessary to have something of significance to give him that could help him understand God and His amazing grace. So what more to offer him than a Bible. As we were leaving Lumen, I offered Kuan a Bible (one we had bought Kerstin since she had given hers away on Sunday to a homeless man-thanks Kerstin for being obedient to God). He hesitated to take it because he thought it was so nice, but I insisted. He finally accepted and told me he would send me a book one day to read.

Now it is in God's hands, well actually, it's been in His hands since the beginning. I just know that every day I will say a prayer for Kuan, asking that his heart will be open to reading the Bible, grasping it's truth, and accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I will probably never see Kuan again on this earth, but I hope with all my heart that I will see him in Heaven!

After we finished our prayer walking for the day, we headed back to the hotel and debriefed with the group. We discussed the conversations and experiences each of us had today. The overwhelming realization that has hit us all this week is that God is at work in London and the prayers are definitely making an impact. And like we continue to say, "It's not about us, it's about Him."

After debriefing, we headed back out to enjoy dinner at Brunswick Mall. We ate at Gourmet Burger Kitchen, which is similar to Flip Burger. It seemed at dinner that our minds continued to be on God's sovereignty and His powerful Word. We all realize the significance of being readers and doers of the Bible.

Well I will end with that. I hope you will read God's living Word today, even if just a verse, and dwell on it's meaning. Let it impact your life.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 5

After 3 full days of prayer walking in London/Camden, each of us feels very "at home" here! We are comfortable with engaging Londoners, as well at ease with the various types of public transportation here. Being at ease and prayer-full has given us each a deeper connection to the places we visited today--it's amazing how prayer does that! Our souls have been grafted-in!
We pray that each of you are also sensing your own spiritual connection with our team, and the people of London! May God continue to weave all of us (and all of this) together as His Kingdom comes!

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 4

Today's blog entry is copied from one of the team members own blog. Thought we would share her story. If you are interested in seeing other day's and more pics please go to:

Adventures of Traveling Me

Today I walked with Stephen and John around the top of Camden. We started the day walking to Clink Hostel where we stopped and sat on the steps for an hour and just prayed over the hostel and the people of London. And we praised God that he allowed us to be a part of this trip and experience. He is definitely working here. We talked to a guy named Vernon on the steps for a bit. He is from Manchester England near Liverpool.
We then walked to King's Cross and noticed a woman on the stairs telling us to come in and eat breakfast. She was homeless. Come to find out the church serves breakfast to the homeless on Mondays and Tuesdays in the basement of the church. We had several conversations with homeless people. Several seemed to have a distorted view of God and His Word. We listened to what they had to say and when we left we prayed for their salvation and that they would know the Truth.

We then walked to King's Cross Mosque. Did you know that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? We prayed for the mosque and that the people would understand God and that He sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins.

Since John and Stephen walked this area the day before, we went back to an interesting church they had seen yesterday called Lumen. Lumen is a part of the United Reformation Church and combines beliefs of Church of Christ and Presbyterian. The church also has a cafe in the front and several pamphlets about architecture and artwork. Its honestly a bit confusing how the church operates. When I took a look around, I asked a guy who was cleaning one of the open rooms about the church and its beliefs. His name was Kuan. He told me more about the architecture of the building and didn't know anything about the doctrine. I then asked him whether he attended or not and he told me he didn't believe in God. At that moment I knew I needed to share the gospel with him. After that point I honestly don't remember much about the conversation except that he was open to hear what I had to say. God really led the conversation and gave me the words to say. I then got his email address to keep in touch. We will need to pray for him and his salvation. We also need to pray that the focus of the church is on Christ and not the architecture. That just makes me think of what Pastor Buddy Gray always says: "It's not the building, it's the people."

After we left Lumen, we walked to Holy Cross Church to check it out. It wasn't open for us to go in so we went on our way. We walked through King's Cross station which is both a train and subway station.

There were so many people in the station. We stopped inside and prayed for the people traveling.
Then something so cool happened that only God could be responsible for. As we were leaving the station, probably 2 hours after we had left Lumen (several streets away), we passed Kuan coming in the station as we're coming out. Stephen called out his name and he was surprised to see us as well. We talked to him more and again sensed his willingness to talk to us, as if he liked our company. We chatted for a minute then said it was good to see him again and started walking again.

John, Stephen and I were in awe that we ran in to Kuan at the station. There were so many people there and if we had left 1 minute earlier or 1 minute later, we would have missed him! How awesome is that?? So please pray that Kuan will come to know the Lord because it's not just a coincidence that we ran in to him again.

Tonight the group road the subway to Hampstead Heath, like the Upper East side of NYC. We walked by a real estate agency where we saw a house going for 2.9 million pounds which converts to $4.2 million! We ate dinner at Pizza Express, which you would assume by it's name that it's a fast food pizza place like a Pizza Hut, but it was very nice and had speciality pizza. We all ate a whole personal pan pizza to ourselves, and dessert! I'm stuffed and ready for bed. Night!

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 3

Dear friends and family, thank you for continuing to lift our team to the the Lord! The answers to your prayers are being experienced!!
Day 3 was a meaningful walk for all our teams. One such reason was an open door from a team member's encounter the day before -- K had the opportunity to speak with a homeless man, who is on the streets because he is addicted to pain meds and is HIV positive. As K had a spiritual conversation with this man, he pulled out some Jehovah Witness literature. K was very compelled to give him the Truth, so she left her Bible with him (after he promised her that he would read it). Upon returning back to our hotel, K googled Christian bookstores, and she found one. The only one in London. And it was located close to one of the team's walking route. So this team found the book store, in order to replace K's Bible--but while at the store our team was able to connect with a worker named J*. This worker was a delight to speak with and was very knowledgeable about the Scriptures. He shared with us about the church he attended, as well as the darkness and lostness he also perceived in London. We collected his contact info and his church's info, and K's team is headed back to visit with him again today. Praise God for this Brother!
On another note, a church close to this bookstore was visited as well. This church is pastored by an American, and appeared to be extremely seeker-friendly. An assistant at the church said there are only about 60 active people, and the church's building is rented as conference space.
Please continue to lift up our teams, and our encounters! Please lift up J*, that he would not be numb to the overwhelming lostness on London, and that her would embrace his role as ambassador for Christ. And pray that churches would not water-down the Gospel in desperate attempts to attract visitors, but that they would repent and turn from adding to the work of Christ!

As well, lift up the 2012 Olympic games that will be held in London--ask God to consecrate this event for His purpose!

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 1&2

Our team made it safetly to London yesterday afternoon. Last night we took a stroll through Camden Market, around Regent's Park and up Primrose Hill. We were able to get acclimated to our new time zone, as well introduce new team members to the Burrough of Camden.

Camden High Street

Primrose hill

Today we worshipped with the church family at King's Cross Baptist Church,

and were invited back after our walks for Cafe Eden Live. Cafe Eden Live is a monthly event organized by the student pastor at KCBC, and hosts local musicians and artists who come together to share their testimony of faith and raise awareness about various Christian social ministries.

Tonight's focus was human trafficking. The cafe was packed, and our hearts were so ecouraged to celebrate how God is using young adults in London to share Jesus through the arts! We look forward to working with KCBC later in the week as they minister to the marginalized in Camden!

Please continue to pray for us today as we continue to engage people for the gospel and prayer walk. Pray for our eyes to see and understand the unseen spiritual needs of the area and the people we encounter. Pray for the people we engage that their hearts would be receptive to the gospel.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

London day 7

Dear Prayer Partners,

Wow, what a week. We have seen God do some amazing things in us and through us during our week in Camden. It has truly been a blessing to be here this week and make the name of Jesus famous.

We know though that we would not have had such a tremendous week with out your faithful prayers. Thank you for lifting up this team and for lifting up the Camden area of London.

We were able to accomplish much in our area. God led us to pray for many people, over many streets, and over many stumbling blocks that veil the truth of the gospel.

We were also able to engage many people. Through our engagements we were able to encourage a few believers, learn much about the community, and share the gospel to many people.

Each of us have many stories of God's graciousness in our prayers and engagements. We will try to update the blog with some of the stories when we return. Please ask us when you see us as we will be happy to report back to you all that God did through our work.

Thank you again for your prayers. Please continue to pray for our safe return and for Gods continued movement to the people of Camden. Here are a couple of pics from last night as we did our Westminster prayer walk, and today.

Starting out on our last walk.

Pub where Camden Town Church meets to build relationships.

Pub where many "goths" meet.

Arlington House, a homeless shelter where Camden Town Church meets and ministers.

Thanks for praying!

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

London day 6

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thanks for your prayers. We have had a great day today. Prior to the rain, we were led to several streets that had many strongholds. We felt that God led us to each of the establishments to pray that they would stop being used for veiling people from the truth. In these streets we saw a witchcraft society, a mosque, two mosque cultural centers and a school where teachers were wearing Islamic attire as well as a Hindu society. It was evident that the god of this world was using these buildings to keep people veiled from the knowledge of God through the truth of Jesus (2 Cor. 4:3-6). Please join us in praying that God will shine His light into this dark area.

Around lunch time it became very rainy. In fact, I have never heard thunder in London and I did today. But despite the rain we were still able to accomplish much praying and engaging. It was almost as if when we sought shelter from the periods of heavy rain that God led another person right to us to engage.

One example was Tom. Tom is a university student and was very interested in telling us about the differences between London and the cities outside of London, encouraging us to take time to get to know the UK outside of London. We were able to use that as a bridge to talk about Jesus, asking if the areas outside of London followed Jesus more so than those inside London. He then spoke to us at length about all of UK not being very
religious, and that most people don't think about Jesus. We asked him what his thoughts were and he said that Jesus was a basically good man who was a good leader / communicator but that his followers who wrote about him probably lied. We then shared how some people we knew think of Jesus as being a liar, Lord, or lunatic but if Jesus said what he said in the Bible all people must think in one of those terms. He said he had never thought of it in that manner, and said he would think on it. Please be in prayer for Tom,pray that he will read his Bible and think about who Jesus really is, our Lord, Savior, and Treasure.

Later we were able to make a connection with a new church plant pastor. Pete is the pastor of Camden Town Community Church. We learned about this new church plant earlier in the week and were able to set up a time to meet up with him today. In this meeting we were able to learn more about the church planting work than we have learned in 3 years. Camden Town Church is active in reaching many in this post christian community. Please be in prayer though for conversions. He specifically asked that we pray for Lucy and Jamie, that they will continue to develop a friendship with Pete and his family and come to know Christ.

Here is a picture of Pete (on left) with Marc.

We have one more day. Please pray for us to finish strong!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

London day 4 and 5

Dear prayer partners,

We appreciate your prayers. Please be in prayer for us, we have not been able to update the blog as often and do apologize for that. We have two days left please pray right now that God will continue to do a great work in our lives, that we will have energy for the last two days, and that we can be used for His glory and namesake in the areas we walk, pray, and engage.

Here is a brief account of what has taken place over the past two days.

On tuesday we again went out two by two. The area we walked was perhaps one of the darkest areas, according to Frank, that he has ever worked. It has a older non-religious secular population, mixed with growing influences of gangs and Islam. It seems as if the young people only have two choices, gangs or Islam.

One of the men we talked with today is Greg. He is a reggae singer and really needs prayer. Please pray that the veil that is covering his mind from the truth will be lifted. He has some working knowledge of God and Jesus, but does not believe that Jesus is the only way. Believes the Bible is Gods true revelation but that man has changed some of it. He does have a Bible, please pray that because of our conversation that he will read through it again, especially the book of John.

Another sample of people we talked with was a goth couple who were getting married. They committed that they celebrate life by celebrating death. This allowed for one in our group to share the gospel, unfortunately, like most, they accept that many people can have different beliefs.

Here are some pics from Tuesday and today, our free day.

President heard we were in town, so he decided to drive past our group.

Thanks for your prayers. Please pray for our two remaining days!

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London day 3

Today was a very good day. We were able to pray and engage people in a large area in central Camden. We are going out two by two for the rest of the week praying, engaging, and Lear if about the area. Each team was able to engage several individuals today and share the gospel.

Here are some of the people, please keep them in your prayers.

Jessica, works in the area, not religious but just in case feels secure in being christened.

Richard, pastor of Kentish Town Congregational Church. Church had 1500 around WWII but dwindled to 8 three years ago, but has grown to 20. He was every excited and encouraged by our prayer walking. P,ease pray for this laborer as he works to reach this community. He is often spit upon by the growing Muslim population in the immediate area around the church.

Joan, thinks that if she ends up life being more good than bad then she will end up alright.

All in all, we had several conversations, learned a lot, prayed a lot, and was able to make Jesus' name famous. It was disheartening though that almost every conversation was with someone who had no real understanding of the gospel and did not think that they needed Gods grace through the gospel.

During the evening, we went on a prayer walk through the City borough. During the walk a beautiful rainbow crossed over the Thames river. It was a great reminder of God, his beauty, his promises, and that we have this ministry by his mercy so we will not be discouraged.

Thank you for your prayers!!

Here are a few pics of the day...

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

London day 2: "If you are hungry you will eat anything"

Today was a great day of worshipping with friends from Kings Cross as well as High Gate Chapel. Both congregations have such sweet people and have a heart for reaching out. Please keep these two churches in your prayers.

Last night we heard a presentation from a former Imam sharing about his conversation and then discussing how we as Christians can share the Gospel with Muslims. It was very interesting, but one thing that captured us was his statement, "if you are hungry you will eat anything". He said this in reference to people converting to Islam because the churches dying and people are hungry for something.

We have found this very true today. The church, for the most part, in and round this city is dying, leaving people to eat on what is available. We saw people today eating on Islam, Secularism, drugs and alcohol, evolution, and religious tradition. It is as this picture states, anything and everything that is sacred has been turned upside down.

There are three types of churches here. The most prevalent is the one who has lost confidence in the authority and truth of scripture and instead focuses on the social good as the gospel. The other is believers who want to make a defensive stand against society, build up a wall of protection around themselves and wait for the rapture. Lastly, we see small pockets of believers such as Kings Cross and High Gate Chapel. Members of the body who believe in the truth of scripture and who are trying to speak the Gospel into their communities.

Please pray for them and for those like them, in fact "pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field" (Luke 10:2).

Here are some pics of our day, prayer walking and engaging...

George, looking for a song to get published so he can get started in life. Not religious. Please pray for George, pray that we can find him again this week and be able to share more truth of the Gospel. prY that Gods grace would shine upon him. Pray that God will move in his life and show George that there is a God who exists, loves him, and has a way to forgive him and redeem him.

Here is Jody and Stephen (right side on side walk) getting into a conversation and having opportunity to share the gospel. Please pray for the couple they are talking within the picture that they would come to understand the truth that was shared to them. As of now, per their words, they slightly believe in evolution.

Please continue to pray for our safety in walking from traffic and injury. Please pray for eyes of insight, to not get distracted, and for meaningful engagements where we can speak the truth of the Gospel.

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Day 1

Team all arrived safely! We had a very long day and very tiring day. After landing we went to explore areas we would be walking and even got to engage a couple of people for the first time.

One of our biggest prayer request was for Matt to arrive after making his tight connections of planes. As he landed in Atlanta he knew there was no way he would make it on the Boston plane because they were already late. He tried to rebook on the atlanta flight but there was no seats. So he went to Boston thinking he will miss the plane to London. However the Boston plane was held up, it was waiting on a part to arrive, a part, that was on Matt's plane! Thankfully, God allowed a part to allow a delay that enabled Matt to not miss the plane and therefore miss out on two days with the team.

Here is the pic of all the team reunited at the airport.

Thank you for your prayers of safe arrival. Please keep praying for safety, eyes of insight, wisdom, and engaging opportunities.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pre trip day 3

Today was a great day of renewing friendships, discussing the work God is doing and praying with friends for Gods grace to be showered onto London.

We first met up with friends from Southside Baptist who are from Huntsville and are working in a neighboring borough. It was good to hear southern accents again. They are doing a great work and it was neat to see how God, according to the pastor, was actually using London to change perspectives and vision for their own outreach back home. It is true, you are able to see the world in London and it will change your heart for the nations!

Next, we met up with our friend Pastor Andrew. We had a nice lunch with him right off a street named Hunter Street. It is exciting to hear about his vision for Kings Cross Baptist. Please be in prayer for Andrew and for the leadership at the church as they are seeking Gods wisdom on some major decisions that will impact their current and future ministry.

Next, we had dinner with our friend Andrew Hill, and his family. He is the pastor of Highgate Chapel and is working hard to equip and mobilize the 30 believers at Highgate to reach out in their neighborhood. The church is located within a short walk for over 10,000 students, which according to Andrew, 98 to 99% have no real access and knowledge of the true gospel message. Please join us in praying for possibilities to join Andrews church in reaching out to this great need.

Lastly we walked up to Parliment Hill and looked out over the city. What a massive city of the world's population. May God grant us opportunity to participate and be found faithful workers for His namesake!

Here are a few pics from the day...

The old Clink courthouse, mentioned by Charles Dickens in Oliver Twist.

Pastor Andrew and Frank at Kings Cross

Local park where small groups of community hang out. Please pray for relationships to be started so that he gospel can be shared to groups of people such as these.

Pastor Andrew Hill's daughter, Sarah, and her very delicious dessert (or pudding) as they call dessert, of baked meringue with fresh fruit.

Frank outside of George Orwells home in Camden.

YouTube Video

Short video of London skyline from Parliament Hill. Please pray for the welfare of this city as well as for our upcoming week of work.

Until next time, Cheerio!

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