Sunday, May 22, 2011

London day 2: "If you are hungry you will eat anything"

Today was a great day of worshipping with friends from Kings Cross as well as High Gate Chapel. Both congregations have such sweet people and have a heart for reaching out. Please keep these two churches in your prayers.

Last night we heard a presentation from a former Imam sharing about his conversation and then discussing how we as Christians can share the Gospel with Muslims. It was very interesting, but one thing that captured us was his statement, "if you are hungry you will eat anything". He said this in reference to people converting to Islam because the churches dying and people are hungry for something.

We have found this very true today. The church, for the most part, in and round this city is dying, leaving people to eat on what is available. We saw people today eating on Islam, Secularism, drugs and alcohol, evolution, and religious tradition. It is as this picture states, anything and everything that is sacred has been turned upside down.

There are three types of churches here. The most prevalent is the one who has lost confidence in the authority and truth of scripture and instead focuses on the social good as the gospel. The other is believers who want to make a defensive stand against society, build up a wall of protection around themselves and wait for the rapture. Lastly, we see small pockets of believers such as Kings Cross and High Gate Chapel. Members of the body who believe in the truth of scripture and who are trying to speak the Gospel into their communities.

Please pray for them and for those like them, in fact "pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field" (Luke 10:2).

Here are some pics of our day, prayer walking and engaging...

George, looking for a song to get published so he can get started in life. Not religious. Please pray for George, pray that we can find him again this week and be able to share more truth of the Gospel. prY that Gods grace would shine upon him. Pray that God will move in his life and show George that there is a God who exists, loves him, and has a way to forgive him and redeem him.

Here is Jody and Stephen (right side on side walk) getting into a conversation and having opportunity to share the gospel. Please pray for the couple they are talking within the picture that they would come to understand the truth that was shared to them. As of now, per their words, they slightly believe in evolution.

Please continue to pray for our safety in walking from traffic and injury. Please pray for eyes of insight, to not get distracted, and for meaningful engagements where we can speak the truth of the Gospel.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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