Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back to work!

We are back in the city, and looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in and through out team. Two of us came up early for some meetings and the rest will join us in a couple of days.

It started to rain on us today, and it reminded me to pray for God to clear this city of it's idols. To bring a washing and out pouring of His power to the streets and to penetrate the harden hearts of a post modern secular culture. The task is great, but our God is greater.

We need your prayers! Please pray for safe travels for the guys coming over to join us, pray for energy, pray for us to have spiritual insight, pray that we won't get distracted.

We can't do this with out your prayers, thank you.

Here are some pics from today.

And finally, Nandos Food!

Cheerio and thank you for your prayers!


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